Those who invest in swimming cap target it fall into a trap: Even if investors want to sell a falling crypto currency, they cannot due to the lack of buyers and are forced to watch their funds melt away. Richler Vanierwitz from Coinopsy told Cointelegraph how some nonliquid coins can come to life for a while.At this point, the regulatory environment in the U.S. seems rather hostile toward Libra even President Doland Trump has spoken against the project, saying that the social media giant's digital currency "will have little standing or dependability."
It is by far the most dominant currency anywhere in the World, and it will always stay that way. It is called the United States Dollar!"Brown subsequently referred to Libra as a "recipe for more swimming cap walmart corporate power over markets and over consumers." That, combined with remarks from other politicians, such as Rep. Waters, who have asked Facebook to halt the development of Libra "given the company's troubled past," seems to coincide with the arrival of a drafted bill swimming caps at target titled "Keep Big Tech out of Finance," allegedly deriving from within the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.
A complete ban like the one proposed by the bill is an extreme and untimely measure. It is true that there other laws place structural separation between banking and non-banking activities (see e.g. the Bank Holding Company Act that prohibits bank holding companies from going into non-banking activities), but this is not at all similar to FB's situation. For one thing, we don't even know what kind swimming caps at walmart of financial instrument Libra will be considered to be.
Nevertheless, the mere fact that cryptocurrencies are being discussed in Congress could be a positive sign for the industry, as it gains wider recognition. For instance, U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has recently praised Bitcoin ( BTC ) while criticizing Facebook's Libra stablecoin during an interview with CNBC. Similarly, former Republican congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul said he is in favor of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology because he likes competing currencies.
When the U.S. government attacks bitcoin directly, saying it's exploited to support billions of dollars of illicit activity, based on thin air, and how they are concerned about its speculative nature, and the crypto echo chamber roars bullish,' it probably is a good time to short. There is nothing bullish in antagonizing with the largest gorilla in the room. Most U.S. politicians unfortunately seem to be convinced crypto is the realm of money laundering and swimming caps walmart drug trafficking. This needs to change. I bet people use Paypal or Venmo more than bitcoin to pay for illicit activities.
Also bet most criminals don't even know what monero is, yet they all heard about the dollar. Unfortunately, perception trumps facts."However, the actual messages delivered by Secretary Mnuchin and President Trump were not positive, with President Trump describing Bitcoin as a speculative asset with value based on thin air. Secretary Mnuchin, echoing the sentiments of President Trump, stated that financial authorities in the U.S. will tighten oversight on the
cryptocurrency sector, warning against bigger scrutiny from regulators. Mnuchin stated: